Welcome back guest blogger Dr. Barry Pascal, with the second installment in his self-anointed “Death Triology”—his usual funny take on a serious subject: arranging for end of life care, proving yet again that your friendly neighborhood pharmacist–even if retired–is the most overlooked and undervalued resource in our health care system.
Read the Rest!Dr. B.’s Last Words
Well–we’re coasting down toward Hallowe’en. While those still living with small people are pushed toward sweet, empty calories, we empty-nesters locked in a mortal stare-down with diabetes tend toward the maudlin. Here’s my pal and reluctant guest blogger, Dr. Barry Pascal, with his take on the best way to be remembered, in stone.
Read the Rest!Write In “Sam’l. L. Clemens”
We interrupt this skein of seriousness to advise that–despite the estimated $2+ billion that will be spent this campaign season on advertising, the content of which is the intellectual equivalent of a slap fight at third grade recess–Mr. Twain reminds us that not all that much has changed in a century, at least in terms of content.
Read the Rest!Dr. Barry–In the House
Here’s another offering from my pal, guest blogger Dr. Barry Pascal. It was originally published in the North Valley Community Connection in August.
Read the Rest!You’re In?
Today, I’m going to perform a public service by attacking an issue that’s moved in and out my consciousness at least four times in the last half-century and could very well become a national crisis—“A Sleeping Giant at Our Doorstep,” as Reader’s Digest might call it—if not confronted squarely.
Read the Rest!