We interrupt this skein of seriousness to advise that–despite the estimated $2+ billion that will be spent this campaign season on advertising, the content of which is the intellectual equivalent of a slap fight at third grade recess–Mr. Twain reminds us that not all that much has changed in a century, at least in terms of content.
Read the Rest!8 Shameful Things Our Founders Believed–IV
Picking up from Friday: Shameful Things Six and Seven. 6. The people couldn’t be trusted to elect their state’s Senators.
Read the Rest!8 Shameful Things Our Founders Believed–III
Picking up from Monday: Shameful Thing Five. 5. Neither were women equal to men.
Read the Rest!Dr. Barry–In the House
Here’s another offering from my pal, guest blogger Dr. Barry Pascal. It was originally published in the North Valley Community Connection in August.
Read the Rest!8 Shameful Things our Founders Believed–II
Picking up from last Friday: Shameful Things 3 and 4: 3. Kidnapped Africans were property—bought, sold, and claimable—defined as “three-fifths” human, but only for census purposes.
Read the Rest!8 Shameful Things Our Founders Believed–I
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Read the Rest!Our Flabby Language VIII
Picking up from where we left off in Monday’s post, more minor outrages from yours truly.
Read the Rest!The Canary is Coughing
Mike Lofgren was mad as Hell and wasn’t going to take it anymore.
Read the Rest!Remembering Lisa & Stephen
Today, I remember my friend and colleague, Lisa J. Raines, and her husband, Stephen Push, who survives her.
Read the Rest!