Picking up from last week: Responses and Round Two. His response to my initial message, published last week.
Read the Rest!Missing the Point I
Prologue: I hadn’t intended to return to the subject of sport so soon, but the publication last week of the new book “exposing” Barry Bonds’ obvious use of performance-enhancing substances over time and the renewed media hoo-hah is too tempting.
Read the Rest!Olympians II
Picking up from last week, he earned and we learned: He was elected captain of his university’s men’s team three consecutive seasons, which has happened one other time or not at all there, in a track and field program that predates the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Read the Rest!Olympians I
God bless Joey Cheek for taking the nobility of success in competition up a notch with the nobility of charitable purpose. God bless Ted Ligety for making our “major” sports-addicted media dilettantes look like the buffoons they are.
Read the Rest!Why “They” Hate Us II
Picking up from last week, the rest of the “whys:” We profess family values but turn a blind eye to malnourished children and their sexually active siblings and parents the world over, if their religious beliefs don’t square with ours.
Read the Rest!Why “They” Hate Us I
In no particular order: In the name of “freedom of speech,” we publish and republish cartoons that gratuitously debase a faith-based belief of 1.1 billion people of peace and good will – then profess shock that the few (but growing numbers of) militants among them exploit those acts for violent purposes.
Read the Rest!Teww Sssssaxxy fer Mysssssaaalf
Warning! Particularly curmudgeonly fulminations ahead. If you’re under, say, 35 and female you might want to spend your allotted time elsewhere.
Read the Rest!Doctor King II
From last time: It’s September 1963…Three weeks later, Klan cowards counterpunched by immolating four defenseless girls at worship.
Read the Rest!Doctor King I
I promised last week that I was going to post a piece about contemporary speech. It’s in the can but it’ll keep. It’s been 20 years now, so the day we’ve set aside to honor the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., is just about as profanely mercantile as those already afforded the Great (Gay?) Emancipator and George “Who’s your Daddy?” Washington.
Read the Rest!J. C. = GOD II
How do I love thee, Jon Carroll? Let me pick up the count from last week:
Read the Rest!